How do we find inspiration in the everyday?

Do you find inspiration easy to come by? Or does it sometimes feel a bit elusive?

Today for 'Thoughts On Thursdays' I'm exploring what 'inspiration' means, and sharing my own story about how I lost and then rediscovered inspiration in my own life. I also share some activities and ideas that might be useful for you to become more receptive to inspiration in your day to day life.


You might also enjoy these journalling/ thinking with a brew prompts:

Where in my daily routine is there an opportunity to be more curious?

What could I bring into my space to encourage inspiration?

What materials could I explore as a way to open up and nurture inspiration?

Can you identify a window or opportunity in your day to day rountine that could become a space to invite inspiration? Iā€™d love to hear your answers in the comments below!

If youā€™d like my 1:1 support to navigate finding inspiration, how to connect with your creativity and develop your creative confidence then you can
learn more about creativity coaching here.


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